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22. December 2014
L’eglise Serbe a travers l’historie, Српска црква на француском
22. December 2014
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Chronicless of the renewed crucifixion of Kosovo – Metropolitan Amphilochius (Amfilohie Radovitch)

2.400,00 RSD

Chronicless of the renewed crucifixion of Kosovo – Metropolitan Amphilochius (Amfilohie Radovitch), 703 страница. На енглеском језику. Издаје: Светигора

  • Димензије: 17.5х4х24 центиметара
  • Шифра производа: 065162
Шифра производа: knjiga-0132. Категорија: .

Опис производа


By James Bissett

          The twentieth century not been kind to Serbia or to the Serbian people. Wars and suffering have plagued the nation for the best part of the century. Yet it was not until the last decade – the 1990s – that Serbia was caught up in events that were destined to bring the nation to its knees, and threatened to break the proud spirit and heroism of its people. In March 1999, the country was subjected to a massive, 78-day bombing campaign by the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiyation (NATO). Only Greece, Serbia’s traditional ally, refused to participate in this illegal and outrageous act of aggression by the so-called democratic nations of North America and Western Europe