
О тајни оваплоћења Господњег – Свети Амвросије Милански
24. March 2018
Човек заједнице у Христу – Максим Васиљевић
24. March 2018
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Psychology in the service of the Church – Fr. Vasileios Thermos

710,00 RSD

Psychology in the service of the Church – Fr. Vasileios Thermos, 166 страница. На енглеском језику. Издаје: Севастијан прес, 2017. година

  • Димензије: 15.5x1x23 центиметара
  • Шифра производа: 018042

Нема на залихама

Шифра производа: knjiga-2657. Категорија: .

Опис производа

           Man, being in the image of God and „an animal in the process of deification“ (according to St. Georogy Nazianzen) – whose brain and nervous system are largely shaped by evolution, who is both restricted and boundless through his genes, sealed by his early experiences, moderated by his hormones, and under a great diversity of other influences – is able to display a wide range of behaviors, some of which are abnormal. At the beginning of third millenium, the Institute of Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije, held in San Diego, California, offered an inter-disciplinary medical-theological study of such a fundamental and fascinating topic